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Invest in Internet Ideas - The Coming Dot Com Boom

Looking back over the years the current oil crisis is not something new but part of the big picture and the pattern of the economy. The economy goes in cycles as investors flock from one commodity to another. From real estate to oil, from gold to cash in the bank, from cash in the bank to internet start up...what? What did I just say?

You will realize there is something special about this economy, something never seen before. There is a new dance partner in the economic cycle and that is the internet. The first one was not just a boom it went nuclear. The heady days of the 2000 boom was a spectacle to watch as any mom and pop in their spare bedroom became an instant multi millionaire by simply making a website with some potential.

The people that make ipo's (initial public offers) which is how a company is floated on the stock exchange were making an absolute killing and so were the internet people making these websites because investor demand just saw no end in sight. This new player, the internet, is in existence due to the developed technology but something even more interesting has occurred.

In the years of the first dot com boom, there was crazy investor demand but it was mainly institutional investors and professional speculators. But today, due to current maturation of technology like cheap and prevalent broad band means millions and millions of people are participating in the internet. There is a more stable audience and therefore more profits to be made. Another dot com boom is in sight, it might come this year or it may eventuate in 5 years but this type of commodity is definitely going to be back and I see this time, the boom will go into the stratosphere.


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