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Appreciating Silver Or Depreciating Doo-Dads - The Choice is Yours

What if instead of buying a $50 depreciating doo-dad, you bought $50 of appreciating Silver? Doo-Dads come in all shapes and sizes; clothing, food items, refreshments, home decor, automobiles, toys, sporting goods, electronics, kids toys, and the list goes on and on... Many people spend $100's per month on depreciating doo-dads. That's $100's in potential Silver Asset buying power. I can guarantee you; Silver will not end up in a garage sale two years from now selling for pennies on the dollar.

Here's the point. We all spend money on depreciating doo-dads. We enjoy our doo- dads, that stuff we acquire through life that we could probably live without. Doo-dads fulfill a temporal need. They make us feel warm and fuzzy for a short time. When the warm and fuzzy feeling leaves, we go out and buy another doo-dad and go through the same cycle again.

I have heard this objection to buying Silver, "I don't want to purchase Silver right now, the price is too high. What if the price goes down?" Humor me for a moment and let's put this into perspective. What if on an emotional whim, you purchased a $50 pair of shoes. (this goes for guys and gals) You purchase the pair of shoes to wear once in while. They sit in your closet for two years. One day while rummaging through your closet, you see your shoes. Your taste has changed so you throw them in the garage sale pile. What's more valuable, a $50 extra pair of shoes that you wore a few times over two years or some American Eagle Silver Coins. Even if the Silver depreciated by 70%, it would still be worth 4 times the value of shoes you only wore a few times. Silver will always be worth more!


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